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Welcome and Hello!

Hello! I’m just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world. No, wait, that’s Journey. I am a small-town girl, but I’m living in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. I am an animal rescue advocate. I also write love stories to feed my craving for Happy Endings (they’re calorie free, in case you were wondering) and create gratitude journals to encourage my self-care practice and hopefully help others with their own mental health journeys.

The website is under constant revision because I’ve got loads planned for 2020. I’m working on some snazzy updates so please check back regularly.

Anyhoo… Please join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on new releases and other fun stuff by clicking on the Big Purple Banner at the top. You can also email me so we can compare stories about whose pet is more ridiculous. (I’ll give you a hint: it’s mine.)

This is what Kitty thinks of that.

Finally, you can stay up-to-date on my writing life, my mental health journey and my cat through my blog posts.

Have I said thanks for visiting? No? Well, thanks!